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Pendant toute sa carrière, Alberto Giacometti privilégie la figure humaine, et en particulier le visage, comme motif de sa recherche artistique. > See exhibition details
Alberto Giacometti passe cinq ans au sein du groupe surréaliste (1930-1935), pendant lesquels il noue des relations amicales durables avec Breton mais aussi d’autres artistes et intellectuels du mouvement.
The Giacometti Institute offers a "carte blanche" to Annette Messager.
With Walking Man, Giacometti succeeded in concentrating the suggestive energy of his oeuvre to epitomise the most powerful aspiration of his time : to humanise the world, history and art.
Alberto Giacometti's desire, or need, to combine painting and sculpture appeared repeatedly and in different forms throughout his career. See exhibition details
Though Alberto Giacometti is well-known for his work on the human figure, the landscape holds an important place in his oeuvre. It appears notably during his youth, spent in the steep-sided valley of the Grisons, and in the 1950s, when he often returned each year on holiday.
« À la recherche des œuvres disparues » est une enquête sur les traces d’œuvres inédites d’Alberto Giacometti.
Albert-Guillaume Démarest est totalement inconnu du grand public.
Naturaliste et historien de l’art, Antoine-Joseph Dezallier d’Argenville (1680-1765) fut aussi un grand collectionneur qui possédait plus de cinq cents dessins et de rares spécimens naturels.