Lettre d'information

William Ropp - 20 Years of Photography

William Ropp - Editions Bliesdorf, Galerie Vevais - Hardback - 160 pages - Textes en English - Publié en 2009

William Ropp's genius is that he brings the unexpected truth to every subject, and every subject he undertakes is a major one. We've known the figures in his photographs for millennia - in our collective unconscious, in dreams, in the face of gods, in fears, temptations, and lusts.

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Référence 9783936165517
Artiste-Genre William Ropp
Auteur(s) William Ropp
Editeur(s) Bliesdorf, Galerie Vevais
Format Hardback
Nb. de pages 160
Langue English
Dimensions 305 x 245
Technique(s) 122 tritone photos
Date parution 2009

Ropp's  photographs are fundamental and ageless, and they still dominate, torment, and occasionally delight our lives, but we seldom see them in contemporary art. Many of today's artists have banished or trivialized these subjects and, in effect, turned their backs on us.

Life is often beastly, and art can be solace. In giving us the unexpected truth, William Ropp also gives us a revivifying truth. We leave the experience of his work with no false comfort, but the knowledge that our fears are not unique but part of humanity's ageless, repeating drama. And that has always been the gift of great art ...  From the foreword by Prof. John Wood.

One hundred and twenty-two full-page black and white photographs.


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