The exhibition returns to the sources of tattooing and presents the renewed of this phenomenon in its now permanent and globalised manifestation.
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Expédié sous 3 à 6 jours
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Référence | 9782330032463 |
Artiste-Genre | Theme : Tattoo, Quai Banly Museum Paris |
Auteur(s) | Anne & Julien, Sébastien Galliot, Pascal Bagot, Stéphane Martin (Préface), Collectif |
Editeur(s) | Quai Branly, Actes sud |
Nb. de pages | 288 |
Langue | english |
Dimensions | 260 x 215 |
Technique(s) | 200 illustrations |
Date parution | 07/05/2014 |
Poids | 1.332 |
Musée | Quai Banly Museum, Paris |
Exhibition Catalogue Tattoo (English Edition), Quai Branly Museum, Paris (May 6 - October 14, 2015).
In so-called "primitive" societies from the Oriental, African and Oceanian worlds, tattooing has a social, religious and mystical role and accompanies the subject in their rites of passage, including them in the community.
Conversely, in the West, they have been seen as a mark of infamy, criminality, a circus attraction (with the phenomenon of side shows) and as a mark of identity for urban tribes.
This geographical and antinomian approach is today disappearing: in traditional societies, tattooing has lost its ritual exclusivity; in urban societies and in the "westernised" lifestyle, its marginal character is fading and it is becoming a relatively common bodily ornament.
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