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This catalogue accompanies "The World of Tim Burton", a major immersive exhibition set up at the The National Museum of Cinema in Turin, an exclusive journey into the mind of a creative genius.
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Référence | 9788836656097 |
Artiste-Genre | Tim Burton |
Auteur(s) | Jenny He |
Editeur(s) | Silvana |
Format | Hardcover |
Nb. de pages | 240 |
Langue | English, Italiano |
Dimensions | 240 x 170 |
Technique(s) | 220 illustrations |
Date parution | 2023 |
This exploration of Tim Burton’s artistic output, inimitable style, and specific perspective is divided into nine thematic sections showcasing more than 500 original works of art, some never before seen in public, ranging from the early days of his career to his most recent projects: sketches, paintings, drawings, photographs, films, concept art, storyboards, costumes, maquettes, puppets, and life-size sculptural installations.
The evocative setting, the reproduction of which also finds space in these pages, encourages visitors to immerse themselves in the director’s extraordinary creative universe. The catalogue and the exhibition trace the evolution of the unique visual imagination of a multi-dimensional postmodern artist—an autobiography of sorts explored through his limitless creative process. Transcending both medium and format, it becomes clear how ideas, themes, and even some specific images of Tim Burton’s art are to be found in his most iconic films, which we now associate with the glitz of cinematic show business.
Il volume accompagna “The World of Tim Burton”, una grande mostra immersiva allestita al Museo Nazionale del Cinema di Torino: il viaggio esclusivo nella mente di un genio creativo, l’esplorazione della produzione artistica, dello stile inimitabile e della prospettiva specifica di Tim Burton. Suddivisa in nove sezioni tematiche, presenta oltre 500 opere d’arte originali, alcune mai esposte prima, dagli esordi fino ai progetti più recenti: schizzi, dipinti, disegni, fotografie, filmati, concept art, storyboard, costumi, opere in movimento, maquette, pupazzi e installazioni scultoree a grandezza naturale. Un’ambientazione suggestiva, che, immortalata, trova spazio anche in queste pagine. Catalogo e mostra ripercorrono l’evoluzione della singolare immaginazione visiva di un artista postmoderno multidimensionale, in una sorta di autobiografia raccontata attraverso il suo processo creativo senza limiti.
Note from the Artist
Tim Burton
The World of Tim Burton: an introduction
Jenny He
The Mole According to Tim Burton
Domenico De Gaetano
Tim burton and the visual arts
Luca Beatrice
Tim burton, portrait of the artist as a demiurge
Giona A. Nazzaro
Big heads, t-shirts, and striped socks
Stefano Bessoni
Around the World
Figurative Works
Unrealized Projects
Film Characters
Misunderstood Outcasts
About Tim Burton
The Exhibition
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